Sustainable development partnership
Our history
Every new start has a story, and each one is different from the next. This is ours.
UBUNTUNESS is an agency based on the conviction that a sustainable inclusive economy can contribute to achieving the Environmental and Social Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The principles of preserving the environment and combating climate change also involve social development.
The SDGs are linked and interdependent. Each goal needs the other to achieve its objectives.
"I am because we are" is our motto, our guiding principle.
UBUNTUNESS' mission is to work towards an inclusive economy with the aim of reducing poverty, encouraging social development and reducing inequalities by supporting our customers' projects while creating superior value for them.
A Swahili saying goes ''Haba na Haba hujaza Kibaba'', "little by little, the jar fills up". This means that every little thing adds up to something bigger. Our vision is based on the hope that our initiative will be successful and achieve its intended mission, which is also championed by other organisations in their own way.
Our values
They guide us in everything we do with our customers.
Inclusion is an important value because it enables everyone to find their place in society as a full member, whatever their social background, origin, gender or disability. As such, it excludes privileges and exclusions.
Integrity is linked to the values of respect and honesty. To have integrity implies being true to one's principles. Acting with integrity means being faithful to shared values and making decisions that are as fair as possible.
The partnership
A partnership is an association of different autonomous partners who interact together towards a common goal. Each partner contributes, according to his or her interests, motivations and responsibilities, to the success of a clearly identified common goal.
How did UBUNTUENESS come about?
It was a meeting at the Produrable trade fair in 2022 that gave her the idea of setting up her own business. During a round table discussion, Maryann chatted with an African entrepreneur. She told her about her plans to expand on the European continent, but above all about the difficulties of finding and collaborating with European companies when you're not on the spot.
Maryann understood the needs of this company and, above all, the obstacles it faced in moving forward with its projects.
During the event, she was also able to see how little European companies and individuals know about African territories.
Many are unaware of the opportunities that the African continent presents for them, while others are looking for help in navigating an unfamiliar business environment.
UBUNTUNESS was born of this awareness of the need to seize the many opportunities for cooperation in order to bridge the economic gap between the 2 continents.
A virtuous circle is born!
Maryann, Founder of Ubuntuness
Originally from Kenya, I grew up in a small village called Gachie. During my studies, I arrived in France where I have been living for 16 years. It was by observing the economic inequalities and the potential of my environment that my desire to act and to become an entrepreneur was born.
In this multicultural context, my dual heritage is a major asset for rapidly identify synergies between African and European markets. It enables me to help customers exploit the many opportunities for collaboration that exist between these two continents, while respecting the inclusive economy: Development, of course, but on condition that it is not at the expense of everything else, the environment and people.
Dnow available at, j'I put all my skills to work on these new projects, proposing solutions that meet the needs of the organisations involved. While every project has its share of uncertainty and challenge, I rise to these challenges thanks to my commitment, perseverance, optimism and a touch of humour. IF THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY*!
With a Master's degree in Collaborative Economy, CSR and Sustainable Development, as well as a diploma in Marketing and International Trade, I spent over ten years working for major international groups in a variety of sectors, including tourism, banking, energy and trade, before turning to support for all kinds of organisations in both the private and public sectors, from SMEs to major groups.
"What people see as a lack of fear is actually perseverance.
- Wangari Maathai.

Helping others, Sharing, Fairness
"To have faith is to climb the first step, even when you can't see the whole staircase".
Martin Luther King